Dartmouth College Environmental Health and Safety; Environmental Health and Safety; To Chemical Inventory Database; Canvas
SRS-4522: Insects, Diseases, and Invasive Plants, Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, with access to products and publications
USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station, with access to products and publications
New York DEC: Southern pine beetles
Southern pine beetle information system
A History of Southern Pine Beetle Outbreaks In The Southeastern United States Texas Forest Service
Texas A&M Forest Service
New Jersey Forest Service
RMRS: Biology, Ecology and Management of Western Bark Beetles, US Forest Service, Logan, UT
USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station Mountain pine beetles in British Columbia, Govt of British Columbia
Mountain pine beetle, Forestry Canada (see animation of provincial beetle damage since 1959
Map of U.S. National Forests
European Forest Institute
Metla- Finnish Forest Research Institute
Insects and diseases of southern forests
Adaptive Management of the Pinewood Nematode,Technical University of Lisbon, University of Lisbon
Proceedings of beech bark disease symposium
Hubbard Brook LTER
Hubbard Brook Research Foundation
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
Species list of Lepidoptera of the Hubbard Brook Forest
Images of late summer caterpillars of Hubbard Brook Forest
Species list of the associates of southern pine beetles
The Bugwood Network (images of forest insects), University of Georgia
Tree Species range maps for North America, USGS
Silvcs of North America